Hi, we’re Erin and Doyle! We’re the husband and wife team behind Hillhound Productions and we’re so excited you’re here!

There are a lot of wedding videographers out there, and no matter who you choose, you’ll spend lots of time with them. We think you should love your videographer’s work and personality, so we crafted this page with that in mind.

We hope you connect with our story because we’d be absolutely honored to tell yours.

Meet The HUMANS Behind The CAMERA


Doyle's first FACEBOOK mESSAGE
to Erin...

"Papa Johns doesn't have seating.

We can eat it in my living room
if you wish.

I have a table
and stuff."

Doyle's first FACEBOOK mESSAGE to Erin...

It started with a kiss…

Just kidding—neither of us are that bold. Honestly, it started with friendship which, in our case, began as a late night of photo editing while eating Papa John’s pizza and watching Breaking Bad. We had just photographed our first West Virginia University football game for the student newspaper and we were excited to nerd out over who got the best shot of the big game. Needless to say, there was a little magic in the stale air of The Daily Athenaeum that night.

Beginning our junior semester, we were both visual journalism students, and even though there were only six other people in our program, Doyle and I had never had a class together. Until now. Doyle loves to interject at this point in our origin story that I changed seats (read: moved away from him) after our first class because I "thought he was weird." He was (is) weird, but he was (is) a goofy weird, not a scary weird—I feel like that’s worth clarifying nowadays.

Anyway, despite my best efforts to avoid my weird destiny, Doyle and I were paired up by Professor Mary Kay McFarland* to practice our budding interviewing skills. Twenty minutes later, we had captured one of our first conversations (Doyle reminisced about a high school volunteer trip to Camden, NJ, and I rambled on about gallivanting around Europe with an ex (yikes)). You bet it was a tad awkward at first! But it’s something we’ll cherish forever.

*Four years after pairing us together for that interview assignment, Professor Mary Kay McFarland attended our wedding in Charleston, WV, casting us an "I told you so" grin.

We spent the next two summers working as photographers at the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM, which is where we both fell in love with the American Southwest (and each other). Our first “I love yous” were exchanged in the parking lot of Taos Pizza Out Back—is it clear yet how much we owe to pizza?

how it started

After graduating from WVU in 2015, we moved to the Washington, D.C. area to start our careers. I traveled around the US to document stories in K-12 schools as a photographer and video producer for an education-based newspaper while Doyle worked as a videographer, photographer, and animator (oh my) for a government consulting company.

Not long after this move–both geographically and professionally as we are now "serious" producers–Doyle's mom sent him a Craigslist job post calling for wedding videographers. The post's author claimed that they would teach interested applicants how to film weddings, and even book the weddings under their company name. A few days later, that instruction took place in a Maryland backyard and—cue the Bridal Chorus baby!—we’re officially in the business of wedding bliss!

We loved the excitement of filming weddings, but we also felt the age-old pressure to keep our 9-5 jobs. The work week became hours-long commutes, ending the days with me watching The Office (again) and Doyle playing League of Legends (again). We hung out with friends, traveled a bit, got hitched, and found joy in Louie (our somewhat peculiar-looking Frenchie). Then, at the age of 25, we got restless.

We don't know who first suggested living in an RV and moving to Colorado, but those tedious commutes turned that suggestion into a search, scouring the "For Sale: RVs+Camp" section on Craigslist—is it clear yet how much we owe to Craigslist? We bought a 31 ft. 2007 Four Winds motorhome with 5,000 miles and set sail for Colorado.

Whew! Within 5 years we had both left our 9-5s and life was looking a lot different! In 2019, Hillhound Productions was founded with the purpose of fostering deeper connections with our couples and crafting unforgettable films tailored to their unique stories. Our commutes went from an I-495 standstill to winding roads through the very mountains that called us here.

And after 3 ½ years of the honest-to-goodness amazing adventure of nomadic living, we bought our first non-motorized home in Longmont, CO where we have enjoyed putting down some roots...but the RV is parked right outside!

how it's Going

Height: 4'11"
Sign: Guess! I'm organized and fairly obsessed with perfection.
Personality type: ENFJ
Special skill: I can lick my nose and elbow (not at the same time).
Favorite wedding day moment: Vows (I cry almost every time).
Favorite wedding movie: Runaway Bride

a bit of trivia

Let's get the dislikes out of the way so that we can end on a happier note. I dislike all bugs—they give me intense heebie-jeebies. However, I once removed a spider from a bride's dress without absolutely losing my mind. I hate the mere mention of mucus, and I'm not a fan of deep, open water. Whew, okay, on to the good stuff! I love reading and my favorite author at the moment is Sarah J. Maas. I also love knitting while Netflixing, thrift shopping with my grandma, roller blading around McIntosh Lake in Longmont, and playing D&D with The Scobeys.


erin maurer

Lead Videographer, film editor

I'm the oldest child of three from a military family—my dad and stepmom served in the Navy for 25 and 28 years, and my brother is currently stationed in San Diego on the USS Santa Barbara. Throughout my childhood, my family and I moved every 2-3 years. From North Carolina (twice), Japan, and Texas, to Ohio, Virginia (twice), Spain, and California, we found ourselves immersed in diverse cultures and communities with each new change of address.

Over time, the idea of "home" became more limitless to me and my siblings. We learned that home isn't always a physical space, especially when your surroundings can change at a moment's notice. Home is the warmth, love, and familiarity found in the people who surround you. It's the shared moments, laughter, and comfort that make any place feel like home, regardless of its point on a map. It was this realization that fueled my desire to document every new place and face with a camera.







love ACROSS generations

Height: 5'11"
Sign: Guess! He's a very honest and extremely curious person.
Personality type: ENTJ
Special skill: He can dance.
Favorite wedding day moment: Open dancing—no surprise there.
Favorite wedding movie: Crazy Rich Asians

a bit of trivia

Doyle also loves reading but his favorite genres skew more toward self-help, personal finance, and entrepreneurship. If it's nice outside, then you can find him playing basketball, pickleball, or disc golf. He loves hot baths, hot tubs, and hot springs. He also loves talking to strangers on airplanes, wearing a fresh pair of New Balance sneakers, brainstorming business ideas on a daily basis, and playing video games with his friends and family back home. Doyle doesn't dislike much except mayo and the sound of a fork scraping against teeth during a meal, 


Doyle maurer

Lead Videographer, Tech Wiz

From Doyle: Erin and I couldn't have had more contrasting childhoods. I grew up in a house that used to be a fishing cabin on a dirt road that used to be a campground. Although the campers are long gone, my mom still lives on that dirt road and in that cabin—the house that became my childhood home

Growing up in West Virginia instilled in me a deep appreciation for nature, community, and storytelling. I skipped chunks of coal on the Coal River behind my house and built forts in the nearby bamboo forest. I was raised by an endlessly creative mom and a methodically organized dad. But in West Virginia, where "it takes a village" is a daily practice, I was also cared for by grandparents, teachers, coaches, and friends' parents.

Storytelling in Appalachia is at the center of everything we do—from learning recipes and practicing folk songs to coping with hardship and sharing wisdom. It's a cherished artform passed down through generations, weaving together the fabric of cultural identity and heritage. Through storytelling, we celebrate our history, honor our ancestors, and forge connections that transcend time and place.

stepmom + dad


Brother + mom


pawpaW + MIMI


our roots run deep

In the fall of 2019, we were excited to get our business off the ground, but we didn’t have a name, look, or logo. So, we took a look at ourselves: perpetually wearing hiking boots, making friends at campgrounds, and playing hyper-nerdy board games every Friday night. We knew we wanted our business name to sound and feel like us, so Hillhound Productions was born. Think hillbilly + hellhound, except instead of a folklore dog with supernatural strength, it’s a 25 lb. French bulldog and two hill lovers from the Virginias. Yes, it’s a little strange and unconventional, but so are we!

What's in a name?


Now you
tell us yours.

We've told you our story.